Copyright © 2020 Kyle Wisotzkey
Catalyst develops outdoor advertising installations with unique architectural features and uses. The company seeks opportunities in areas often seen as too difficult to cultivate by working closely with local municipalities and townships to find equally beneficial partnerships. These often take the form of aesthetically pleasing monuments and buildings that provide public services.
My primary responsibility was to design structures with integrated LED screens. I would start with hand sketching, then basic 3D modeling, and finish with refined models set at the desired locations. Every step included team reviews and approval of multiple designs and options for each project.
Outdoor Advertising
Typically the highway billboard Catalyst looks to change the form-factor to enter new markets.
Communication Technology
The suite of technology used for their installations, including light sensors and high quality screens.
Final designs are generated in 3D Studio Max and exported with the Simlab plugin to SketchUp. Occasionally the company wanted to present additional photorealistic video renderings. I would use PFTrack to motion track the camera paths of drone footage for use in 3D Studio Max. I would align and scale the model to match proposed location, generate animations and integrate them into the drone footage using Adobe After Effects and Premiere.
For official public meetings the VP of Development of the project would give extensive presentations. I would support these presentations by bringing and setting up necessary technical equipment, and operate software, such as PowerPoint, SketchUp and Google Earth Pro, to ensure a seamless presentation.
- Designing landmarks and buildings with integrated screens.
- 3D modeling designs for approval and presentation.
- Technically supporting presentations.